Books & Government Documents

ANTPAC provides access to scholarly books and resources found in the UC Irvine Libraries. The MELVYL catalog lists the books in all of the UC Libraries and provides access to selected article databases.


Important Tip!

Although ANTPAC lists which journals the UCI Libraries own, it cannot show the specific articles that appear in those journals.


How do you begin your search? You can search ANTPAC in different ways: Author; Title; Subject; Keyword.

  • For more about searching ANTPAC, check out the
    Find Books section of the Begin Research Tutorial.

Should I search by Keyword or Subject?

Keywords are everyday terms used to describe a topic. Subject headings are the agreed-upon terms designated by the Library of Congress and assigned to each item in ANTPAC. In the Sciences, it is very powerful to search with the proper subject heading. However, for new ideas, there might not yet be a formal subject heading. In this case, keywords may be your best option.