IMTFI's First Annual Conference for Funded Researchers
November 4-6, 2009
Conference Program
Day 1: November 4th
Welcome and Introductions
The Urban Poor and their Money
Mani Nandhi, Centre for Microfinance - Chennai, India
Network Linkages and Money Management: An Anthropological Purview of the Beesi Network amongst the
Urban Poor Muslims in Old City Area of Lucknow, India
Syed Aiman Raza, Shia Degree College - Lucknow, India
Analysis of Financial pracitces among Families in Two Cities Indigenous to the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico
Magdalena Villarreal, Centro de investigaciones y Estudios Superiors en Anthropología Social - Tlalpan, Mexico
Maria Eugenia Santana, Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas - Chiapas, Mexico
Borrowing from the Gods: Oracular Deities as Traditional Sources of Credit among the Igbo of Nigeria
Kenneth Omeje, United States International University - Nairobi, Kenya
Forms of Money: an Inquiry into the Processes of Use and Adaptation among the Kinda
Reddis of South India
Thanuja Mummidi, French Institute of Pondicherry - Pondicherry, India
Yesterday's Nomads and Modern money
Svetlana Tyukhteneva, Ethnoconsulting Ltd. - Moscow, Russia
The Impact of New Technology on the Use of money as a Means of Spending, Saving
and Storing by the Poor: A Case Study of Sri Lanka
Sirimevan S. Colombage, The Open University of Sri Lanka - Nawala, Nugegoda
A Study of Money and Financial Services and the Impact of ICTs Among Poor Communities
in Developing Countries: The Case of Botswana
Beatrice Magembe and Alice Shemi, University of Botswana - Gabarone, Botswana
E-money for Enchancing MDGs at Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study for M-Banking in Kenya
Francis Wambalaba, Akosa Wambalaba, Philip Machoka
United States International University - Nairobi, Kenya